We took away our son's phone on Dec 2.
It was pending after many heated, prolonged, entitled exchanges.
I know my husband thought it wouldn't happen; but, I don't believe in rocking the boat before an irreversible life event, especially if there isn't a possible do-over.
We let him use his phone all day and without limitations. Sadly, he was on it until he went to bed.
It was a great day from his #teenlife perspective but just another indicator that he would benefit from restrictions. For hours, he FaceTimed, blared music, watched YouTube and finally when he went to sleep, I removed the phone and that was that.
Time Period: Indefinitely
Resulting Miracles:
1) Learned he can use word of mouth and talking to people to find out about friend's party. Like we used to. Back in the olden days.
2) Asks how his family members are now. Since, he remembers he has family members!
3) Prints out his homework from a computer. Imagine the inconvenience.
On the lookout: We are keeping our eye on him and not letting other devices fill the void of the phone.
Best statement ever: Last Saturday, I loaned him his phone; he never asked for it but I knew he was going to a party and would want to take pictures. He was grateful and promised to return the phone without a fuss. When he got home, he handed me back the phone. He had taken only one picture. When I asked why only one pic. He said, "Other people took pictures, Mom. I was having too much fun. I forgot all about the phone."
I rest my case. His Dad does too.