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Defining Moments, then what?

All that build up and anticipation for a “defining moment” and then what? Life continues on as it always does. Life continues on whether or not things go our way. Life continues on whether we are defined or undefined by that moment or any other. So then what? We realize we are not in a moment. We are in a practice. Something, we have to do many times repeatedly for the love, the art, the science, the freedom, and the personal enrichment of doing it. When we turn life into defining moments, then somehow the moments in between fade or diminish. We miss the forest for the trees some would say. So, let’s recapture those undefined moments as part of living. If you follow me regularly, you will read this post many times. It’s something we will continue to explore. Each time I’ll remind us to pay attention to the moments after. Our job is to ask ourselves, why did we polarize or showcase or preselect or idealize, a particular moment? The upcoming moment is the “US midterm election”. Why is our human habit of a “defining moment” showing up in our world? As you open yourself up to this personal inquiry, looking for examples of where the moments before and after were equally as important or defining. Think #brexit (nation defining) or #americanidol (culture defining). The world before and after were never the same. And yet here we are.

. . Whenever you hear, “defining moment”, my ask is you step back into the practice of life and recognize the question is always, so then what?

© 2024 by Delia Grenville DELIAGRENVILLE.COM

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