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Primping and Parties - Embracing our role in our Family Structure

I remember my parents going out. When we were little, we were all involved in the primping. As we got older, in my memory of childhood, my sisters, one sister in particular was the most reliable in cheering my mother on, giving her that extra zipper hand, and being lovingly all up in her business. Just like this darling young man. Our daughter checked in on us with some last minute punny jokes - she literally pulled on her Dad's leg while he was lying on the bed waiting for me. We laughed at it all. And she and her brother warned us not to wake the dog when we came home. Then, she made herself, her younger brother's energy place and we slipped out. We all have our role in these family structures. I was glad for my selfie companion and my selfie companion's sound mind companion. In all of our happiness, I was surrounded with the aliveness of the many times the ritual of going out had happened in my childhood. How grown up my parents seemed! They were just in their mid 30's.

It was nice to settle into that feeling of being grown and be more present for how we were all experiencing life in the going out prep. Here’s what I wanted to give in this moment 1. Kids are a blessing. I wanted them to feel that. 2. Life is to be enjoyed. I hope the giggling imprinted that. 3. We do our best that we can to appreciate the greatness of every moment -- was the kindness I offered myself. 4. I reminded myself with gratitude that the greatness of that moment had taken time. The time to become the adult primping and the time to be child with all those warm memories.

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