I am revisiting tennis. These aren’t high school gym lessons and enough time has passed to give this a try again. So, what will I get out of this experiment?
Learning is one of the ways to see our blind spots out in the open. So, I think this will continue to improve my coaching. Consistently when I heard positive feedback from my tennis coach, he asked “What happened?” His style was different from mine. We kept our focus on what just happened. I liked his freeze frame approach.
A couple of times, I said aloud to myself “Trust.” Those were the best returns. It was noticeable.I knew this because he said “what JUST happened?” Later talking things over with my husband, he mentioned that adults have the advantage of working in a body whose height and relative distances aren’t changing. So, in that way things are more predictable. That comment was a nice piece of input. In our sometimes youth-loving society, we often miss the advantages of being in an older body. Yay! I can actually learn something’s faster than before. Next lesson is on Friday and I look forward to learning more about me and how I am during this sport. It will be interesting to learn what parts of me show up on the court.