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How We Engage Our Transferable Skills: 3 Ideas from a Photo Shoot

▫️You all know I love organizations along with the interaction between people and process. Here’s what I observed at my son’s first photo shoot.▫️ The photographer demonstrated shapes. This is exactly how our son has been taught those complicated gymnastic moves over the years. They communicated through the language of “What shape am I making?” He got her. Right away. Our body practices are part of our intellect and capacity to learn. Gymnastics continues to be an excellent foundation for so many conversations about our bodies and what we do with our bodies. As adults, we often neglect our body practices, or we forget to embrace our body as part of our intellect.


So, what can we learn as leaders, managers, or mentors from the way this young model learned to deliver the shot?

In the workplace, we may benefit from 3 methods used here:

The Opportunity to Demonstrate: Sometimes showing is as easy as saying. Demonstrating allows us to incorporate another part of our intellect. Both as we show and describe, and also when we listen and observe.

Unobstructed Communication: Look at the proximity. And before you ask, yes, we can achieve virtual proximity! Not just through video but also in the intention of our words.

Mirroring the behavior; both the one we want and the one we are seeing: This is a bit like contracting and expanding our feedback muscles. We tend to flex our feedback muscle. Often saying what we want but not showing what we are experiencing.


Kudos to this pair. They worked together seamlessly. Leaving behind something that we all can transfer into our daily business interaction.

© 2024 by Delia Grenville DELIAGRENVILLE.COM

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