Do you have kids in different school systems with different breaks? We made it through the first year of separate spring breaks. My son wondered if he and I would get along. We worked it out and learned a lot about each other.

Here are 10 things that surprised me about parenting alone:
1. We showed up at all the expected places. Simply Amazing! As my son pointed out, luck was often on our side.
2. We stayed on top of homework like ninjas. Or so we thought until we forgot his backpack at gymnastics. We recovered the next morning
3. His room looks great. I told him that I am super easy to deal with in a low mess environment. So, we just made that happen.
4. He asked for curry chicken on Monday night and I finally got that done by midweek. Woohoo! I fulfilled a meal request.
5. I took the stress of lunch making off us and have ordered a subway sandwich online. Each day! Turns out there were no leftovers. He ate the whole turkey breast foot long. And, his teachers notice that he has been more engaged in class.
6. We put the oven, rice cooker, and microwave, on delayed starts and timed cooking. We came home and everything was perfect. We were in awe because we weren’t sure if the house would have burned down.
7. We talked about homework. Actually talked about it. I edited both his French and English and have decided that his political opposition to verb tenses is cross-lingual. He laughed because he is getting how crazy the sentences get sometimes.
8. We finally agreed lookups are important. If you don't know, don't guess. Like you have a phone in your hand. Look it up.
9. Improved Commuter Homework Skills. I was super stringent on using the time in the car. I had massive commutes as a kid but no phone. So I did my homework. I was usually done by the time I got home. Basically, he did 2 full pages of single line typing on his phone on the drives back and forth to school and gymnastics. The paper is due Tuesday and it is done.
10. I am nerd. I know, I'm not cool but it gets fun if you stick with the program. No need to worry we go along just fine!
We can't say enough to all of the people who helped us make things go more smoothly - OUR SPONSORS.
Grandparent who help us with carpooling. Affectionately nicknamed Gruber and Gryft.
Subway for making those awesome sandwiches, ordered and paid for online, and who call you if they have a question!
Doggie Daycare. I'm sold. And, our local place Noah's arf is caring and loving. There's nothing like a pup having a place to place when you household is down by 50%.
OMG, those appliances, did what they were told and didn't burn the house down. Seriously, we lunched, podcasted, and marveled at the ingenuity of modern humans!
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